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Powerful Astrology of this Spring of 2023

Writer's picture: Untwine Untwine

The 2020s are a very intense period, filled with powerful rare astrological alignments. Indeed, it started with a very dense, intense alignment of Saturn, Pluto, and others in Capricorn in January of 2020 which triggered the beginning of the events we have seen unfold since then. This was talked about and predicted by many astrologers for many years prior to 2020, as can be seen on various astrology websites.

The next very powerful alignments, which are potentially even greater than what we saw in 2020, are in the years 2024, 2025, 2026. I will write articles about those later on. In the meantime, I will start posting regular articles about the astrology we are experiencing nowadays, starting with this Spring, which is not as powerful as the coming years, but still worth noting. And since this is an unfolding story, we will get to better understand this intense decade, bit by bit.

This month of March 2023 started with powerful days around the 2nd-3rd, with conjunction of Jupiter, Chiron and Venus in Aries, as well as the Full Moon on the 7th forming a T-Square with Mars, and Uranus forming a sextile to the Sun and trine to the Moon. On that day of the Full Moon, we also had Saturn shifting signs into Pisces, where it will be for the next 2.5 years. The Jupiter-Chiron conjunction energies have been building up since the beginning of the month, were exact on March 12th, then will progressively dissolve over the next following days.

The Jupiter-Chiron conjunction happens approximately every 15-20 years. During this time, we are facing deep core wounds, challenging periods for optimism and impulses which need to be rechecked to ensure they are aligned with ethics and higher purpose. Some of our deep wounds can be fully exposed helping us to face them and work on them.

It’s interesting to note that a Jupiter-Chiron conjunction was active in 1929 which was the trigger of the great depression, as well as around 2009 during the great recession. We are seeing similar challenges around this time in 2023 which may, or may not, be as bad as 1929 and 2008-2009.

This Jupiter-Chiron is happening in the sign of Aries bringing up the issues of assertion, identity, and masculinity. Chiron is in Aries from 2019 to 2027. This means our expression of individuality, identity, masculinity and assertion are challenged and need to be dedicated to ethics. Jupiter coming in to join Chiron amplifies this. The main key in this process is to search within for an ethical, purposeful, truthful assertion and expression of our individuality, boundaries and masculinity in a way that is aligned with our Soul.

Those who have important birth chart points in Aries such as the Sun, Ascendant, Moon, etc., will be especially affected, according to which point and house are affected. Saturn entering Pisces for the next 2.5 years will especially affect those who have important Pisces birth chart points. On a global level, it will bring an impulse of making spiritual and transcendental aspirations more visible and realistic. At this time, our mystical aspirations towards unity consciousness need to take real physical shape somehow, working with the material world by being aware of its limitations and rules, to proactively make efforts to manifest something concrete and tangible. Many illusions, confusions, and dreams of this period of human history will face a reality check during these 2,5 years.

On March 14-17th, we see squares between Mars in Gemini, and Neptune, the Sun and Mercury who are all conjunct in Pisces. As always, be aware if you have birth chart points in these signs. The Pisces energy of mystical aspiration towards unity consciousness will be strong in these days, bringing good inspiration for spirituality, connecting with the universe, art and creativity, as well as feelings of compassion, transcendence and empathy. Be careful with illusions and addictions though, try to be aware of your own biases. The square with Mars in Gemini indicates certain challenges : the need to feel, to unite and be one with the world in compassion, must combine with the need to think, be informed, and assert oneself.

Shortly after that, will come the March Equinox on the 20th of March at 9:24pm GMT, which can be considered as the New Year’s Day astrologically regarding Earth’s natural cycles. This date, or the December solstice, were traditionally used as New Year’s Day. The March Equinox corresponds to sunrise, life sprouting, being birthed into tangible manifestation, whereas the December solstice corresponds to midnight, the retreat into non-physical spiritual reality from where all impulses of life originate. January 1st as New Year corresponds to nothing real in the natural world. It is a made-up date with the agenda of disconnecting people from following natural cycles so they will instead obey the state and religious authorities more and more.

Less than 24 hours after the Equinox comes a New Moon, which will be very close to the Equinox point, indicating even stronger that new beginnings, new cycles, are occuring around this time.

On March 23rd, Pluto shifts from Capricorn to Aquarius. This is a major event of great importance regarding the evolution of life on Earth, evolution of human civilizations. Pluto represents a powerful evolutionary force of deconstructing, killing everything that no longer serves, bringing an end to the old to make way for the new. It entered Capricorn in January 2008 where it has been since then. Capricorn represents the structures of civilization, society, government, etc., and so when Pluto goes through this sign for a few decades every 250 years or so, we see great societal changes every time, resulting in deconstructing societal structures and starting new ones. The last time it happened was in the late 1700s with the revolutions in Europe and independence of the USA, which greatly contributed to shaping history for the next 250 years. The previous period was in the early 1500s with the Renaissance times. We can also mention another older, obvious example: the fall of the Roman empire. We are going through similar enormous societal changes, and one of the most predominant dates in that process was January 2020, when Pluto conjuncted Saturn and others in Capricorn, which made this particular transit of Pluto in Capricorn even more significant. The depth and implications of this period of human history, the number of changes cascading during the coming decades cannot be fully seen from where we are standing at this point, but this is indeed a great change of cycle, a major turning point of human history and civilization.

As Pluto moves out of Capricorn and enters Aquarius on March 23rd, we see one of the important dates in this process which lasts several decades. We may or may not see important events on that day, as energetic shifts occasionally take some time to manifest into matter, but sometimes important events do happen on the exact dates of astrological shifts. At times, we may also see a trigger event, something that may not appear too significant at the moment, but will reveal itself to be very significant in the long term. We may also just feel the energy change, observe the hints all around and inside of us. Much like a Full Moon, we know there will be something, strong energy affecting our lives, but we can’t predict how exactly it will play out.

This shift of Pluto in Aquarius is even more fascinating because we are in the midst of shifting into the Age of Aquarius. These age cycles last 2,160 years. We do not know exactly when the shift will happen but it appears to be occurring gradually over many years. Aquarius is a sign of innovation, electricity, waves in the air, global connection, idealism, non-conformism, questioning all norms, and we are definitely seeing a lot of that in this period of human history. The generalization of electric technology, internet, phones, globalization, turning the whole planet into a global community, as well as the challenging of all social norms, are all very typical, textbook attributes of Aquarius, which tend to show that we are indeed already in process of shifting into this new age. This shift has been very idealized, which is typical of Aquarius energy which often tends to expect the ideal, and ignore or focus less on the shadows of a situation. However, we should also be careful about the potential shadows of Aquarius energy, as we are already seeing some manifestations of it. All signs and all ages have shadows, and the global technological connections and widespread challenging of all social norms can clearly have negative sides: technocracy, connecting people in a cold distant way through technology and in theoretical mental ways, with less direct physical human warmth, as well as tyranny in the name of theoretical social ideals, and also confusion and suffering brought forth by too much challenging of some important natural social realities such as gender, family, villages, culture, etc. This shift into Aquarius is indeed needed at this time, but we should also be careful as a civilization to not go too far into the theoretical idealism of Aquarius, and not lose sight of natural physical reality, as it’s all about balance. Pluto in Aquarius should be helpful in that process, as it will be deconstructing all that doesn’t serve within these Aquarius energies, to make them more aligned with our Soul.

This year however, the shift of Pluto in Aquarius will only be a short, temporary glimpse, as it will go retrograde and move back into Capricorn on June 11th. It will go back into Aquarius for good on January 21st 2024, conjuncting the Sun on that same day. This will be a more definitive shift, bringing us into the energies of the next decades and into the very powerful period of 2024-2026. So in 2023, we will see a glimpse into these energies between March and June, and then a last move into Capricorn where Pluto will finish its business there from the last few decades, until January 2024 when we definitely move on.

Let’s move on to the month of April 2023, which may be slightly calmer in terms of new astrological alignments, but still full of the energy triggered in March, as it continues to develop with some lesser alignments, triggering these energies further, making them manifest further. The Full Moon on the 5th of April is especially significant in this regard, as the Sun will be conjunct Chiron on that same day, with Jupiter being still not too far, only 5 degrees apart.

On April 20th will start eclipse season with a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse. This is happening at the very end of Aries and continuing into Taurus where the Sun and Moon will square Pluto during the eclipse. This is therefore likely to be a very intense one, with tensions and strong triggering effect to alter reality. The New Age of Aquarius as described above, will be challenged and cleansed by Pluto and will need to be reconciled with individual identities, freedoms and assertions of Aries, as well as natural physical tangible stable material realities of Taurus.

The period around the 25th of April is also a notable date filled with harmonious, supportive sextiles: Sun conjunct North Node in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces, Mars in Cancer sextile Mercury and Uranus in Taurus, and Venus in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries. We can see during this period some easing of energy and supporting energy in order to move forward, harmonize, resolve, and create constructively.

Then, the month of May 2023 will also be extremely intense. It will start with the second eclipse of that season with a Full Moon partial lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th.

Then the most important period is during May 17-25th. This will be an intense, tension filled time, with very strong potential of significant world events, dynamic challenges, and creative tension to push situations forward. On May 17th, Jupiter enters Taurus where it will conjunct the North Node and form a T-square with Pluto in Aquarius and the South Node, for about a week, and it will also conjunct the Moon for a few hours at the same time. Pluto will square both Nodes basically until September, which can be called being in the bendings. This indicates a major crossroad with difficult and very determining choices to make, which will send us towards different directions along the evolution path. The choices made during that time will greatly influencr the next many years. These squares between Pluto, Jupiter and the Nodes will be the most important aspect of this time period, strongly triggering tensions around the entering into Age of Aquarius as I described above, with powerful determining significant events that cannot be exactly predicted in advance. Additionally, we will also have two sextiles around that time, Saturn sextile Mercury and Sun sextile Neptune, which will help ease the situation, bring easier solutions and outcomes.

The New Moon in Taurus will come amidst all this on May 19th, adding more energy to the mix.

On the 20th of May, the creative tensions and challenges will greatly increase as Mars enters Leo, turning the T-square into a grand square as Mars opposes Pluto and squares Jupiter and the Nodes for a few days. Both Mars and Pluto will be in the bendings, opposing each other. This grand square is very very intense and will definitely be felt and observed both in individual lives and world events. This is a major turning point.

As it happens in all 4 fixed signs, it has an even greater potential for tensions, although the Sun will enter Gemini on the 21st, forming sextile with Mars and trine with Pluto, which will help to ease tensions and let the energy flow using communication and taking things less seriously, yet making this time even more powerful and significant. Whatever we see happening during that time will have a profound durable effect and meaning in our journey of evolution as individuals and civilization. It is strongly recommended to navigate this time consciously, make care-full choices, set intentions for both our personal lives and also for the whole, meditate, pray, see this powerful trigger as being helpful to release stuck energies in the world so that we can evolve into something greater as a species and as a planet.

That is all for this time, stay tuned for more details and further descriptions of future astrological events in upcoming articles! And if you would like to have personalized astrology readings, I’m available, offering a variety of services you can check out here Best wishes to all of you during these powerful times!

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