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Image by Milan Popovic


Remote Custom Healing - 90 minutes ($111)

Imagine living a life full of harmony and balance without being triggered negatively by daily interactions with those around you. Being able to respond with grace, instead of reacting in an explosive way, no matter what the subject matter is. I believe healing and protecting your energy fields on a daily basis will assist you with a more peaceful and joyful life. Each healing journey will begin with a clearing of your auric field and energy bodies, balancing your chakras, and calling back any fractured soul parts. It is important to state your intention with your healing. Before your custom session begins, I will go over the questionnaire with you and answer any additional questions you may have. Once your session is complete, I will share the results with you. 

Image by Annie Spratt

Remote Home Cleansing - 90 minutes ($111)

Living in a space free of unwanted energies or low vibrations is essential when trying to keep our physical, spiritual, and emotional bodies purified. Energy is all around us. We interact with it everyday. Visualize living in a sacred space, free from all unwanted energies. Discover the peacefulness of being able to navigate in your personal environment without conflicts or emotional distress. Homes will be energetically cleansed and purified from all unwanted energies or low vibrations. Pillars of love and light will be anchored around your property. I will review the questionnaire and reach out before the cleansing to see if you have any additional questions. Once the clearing is complete, I will discuss

my findings with you. 

Image by Conscious Design
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I have always had an innate desire to help and heal others with compassion and empathy. How can one truly heal someone if they cannot grasp what the other is going through?  My Soul’s purpose is to create a sacred space for healing and provide the necessary tools to assist in purifying and preserving one's energy fields on the physical, spiritual, and emotional planes.


Healing is a journey. You don’t bathe once and expect dirt not to find its way to you. It takes daily work and practice, but the rewards are immeasurable. When we decide to heal ourselves on all levels, it raises our vibration and those around us. When that vibration increases and spreads, it will eventually encompass the whole planet. Imagine living life full of love, joy, peace, and compassion with every sentient being around you. Perhaps, that is what freedom feels like.

It would be my honor to join you on your healing journey.


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